Eurocon 2007 Short story contest
- Short story contest
First of all: A great thanks to all participant: The other judges and I really enjoyed reading the stories – every story had at least something we found interesting, and many of the stories were very good. The nationalities of the participants were as follows:
Denmark 14
UK 5
France 5
Belgium 2
Portugal 2
Spain 1
Canada 1
Bulgaria 1
Switzerland 1
But we had to pick the winners, and they turned out to be:
1st prize: “No Lights Dance In This Northern Sky”, Christopher K. Barrett, USA
2nd prize: “Fishing with the Devil”, Bradley Michael Zerbe, USA
3rd prize: “Big Game”, Melissa Mead, USA
And the following stories were among the favourites of one or more judges and therefore receives and Honorable Mention:
“Ahead”, Lionel Davoust, France
“Ruby's Wish”, Jamie Meyerhoff, USA
The three winners will each receive:
A copy of ”Creatures of Glass and Light” – anthology of European short stories.
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A copy of ”Tales of Weupp: Little People Must Surrender” – by Ralan Conley
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And some money: 40 euro for 1st prize, 30 for 2nd, 20 for 3rd
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The two other judges were Richard Ipsen and Ralan Conley. They didn’t know the identity of the participants until after we had agreed on the winners.
-Flemming R.P. RaschRules:
In connection with Eurocon 2007 there will be a short story contest. Winners will be announced at Eurocon 2007. Membership of or presence at Eurocon 2007 is not required.
The story must be 2007 words or less in English and science fiction or other fantastic genre. Deadline for the contest is august 1st 2007.
Only one entry per participant accepted. Published stories are not accepted.
Eurocon 2007 gain the right to publish any participating stories once within one year. Publishing on a website is subject to the writer’s approval.
The number and nature of prizes will be announced later.
Please note that 2007 words is a lot less than most short fiction, and that you may submit a very short story of 500 or less words, or poetry, if you like.
Mail your story to shortstory Txt or rtf preferred. Any formatting may be removed before evaluation by the judges. Please give full name and address.
Send your questions about the contest to Flemming R.P. Rasch at shortstory