- Baltcon
Baltcon was born after the fall of the Old Regimes in Eastern Europe, with a "pre-Baltcon" in 1993 (adopting the Baltcon statutes) and the first official Baltcon in Vilnius, Lithuania in 1994 (with, since, Baltcons virtually every year, in Lithuania, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Germany and Poland, and now Denmark). It is intented as a northern European regional sf/f convention. There was an earlier, more limited scheme, the Scancon (altenating between Denmark, Norway and Sweden) which however faded out in the early 1980's. And now with open borders and so on, there's every reason to connect across the Baltic Sea. The Baltcon is usually "co-arranged" with another convention, as a sub-theme, which can be a national con or this case a Eurocon. Baltcon programming is usually in English, or a local language if voluntary interpreters can be aquired. The site of the 2008 Baltcon is to be decided on the Eurocon/Baltcon 2007 business meeting - candidates are welcome to announce their interest!
Among program items planned:- Baltcon business meeting. Apart from site selection for 2008, there are plans to revise the by now old Baltcon statutes, which has some properties that haven't worked all that well and has partly become irrelevant by the flow of time. A revided constitution text should be available before the con for debate and suggestions.
- A panel about sf/f publishing in countries around the Baltic Sea. Lithuanian and Nordic writers are scheduled, but we'd like to get in touch with interested writers and/or publishers from the whole region.
- The traditional panel "Meet Baltic fandom", with participants from as many as possible from the Baltic Sea countries.
- Other speeches, lectures and panels. Suggestions are more than welcome (that means YOU, if you have some interesting subject you want to have a program item about) to ahrvid Also use this address if you are connected to a convention intersted in bidding for the 2008 Baltcon.
Baltcon Program
- Friday 17-18 The History of the Short Story
- Friday 18-19 Writers Panel
- Saturday 12-13 International Fandom Panel
- Saturday 13-14 The Worlds 2nd Biggest Con FinnCon
- Saturday 17-18 The Early Unknown History of Swedish Fandom
- Sunday 12-13 BALTCON Business Meeting
- Sunday 13-14 Publishing Around The Baltic Sea