How to Run a Eurocon Guideline
- (draft version)
At the 2006 ESFS business meeting in Kiev, it was proposed that guidelines as to how to run a Eurocon be drawn up. All those with ideas were asked to send them into a volunteer over the three months following Kiev. The volunteer then compiled these views into a rough draft and this was then checked by two other Eurocon regulars for relevance, error, and further comment. The subsequent revised draft was completed June 2007 and is now on the ESFS website at Eurocon_Running_Guide_draft_June_07~English.doc (MS Word).
The idea now is for this to be approved as 'non-binding' Eurocon guidance at the ESFS business meeting in September subject to minor amendment. It is proposed that those who feel that something important is missing will be able to send comments up to Christmas 2007. These will be consider and included as appropriate. After that a final version will then be translated into as many European languages as possible.
At the Denmark 2007 Eurocon we therefore need to:
- Approve the near-final version
- Let everyone know that further suggestions and ideas for inclusion would be welcome up to Christmas 2007.
- Get volunteers (and their e-mail addresses) - one for each European language - to translate the final version in the spring of 2008 (so that everything can be ready for Moscow's ESFS business meeting).
Please note that these guidelines are guidelines and therefore are 'non-binding'. (There are separate binding requirements a Eurocon _must_ undertake within the ESFS constitution.) They have been created solely to ensure that the good practices of past Eurocons are remembered and also that lessons are learned from past mistakes.
A new discussion list has been created where you can discuss this and other matters. Send an e-mail to in order to discuss Eurocon and esfs matters with others interested. Subscription is not automatic, so you will have to contact Roberto Quaglia (roberto_quaglia2004 about this.