- Eurocon 2007 accounts
The Accounts for Eurocon 2007 has now been balanced.
- conrep
- Read conreps from Eurocon 2007
- Winner of the short story contest
Winners of the Eurocon short story contest:
1. No Lights Dance In This Northern Sky, Christopher K. Barrett, USA
2. Fishing with the Devil, Bradley Michael Zerbe, USA
3. Big Game, Melissa Mead, USA
Honorable Mentions:
Ahead, Lionel Davoust, France
Ruby's Wish, Jamie Meyerhoff, USA
- 1-day 1-page fanzine
Flemming Rasch pulished two 1-page fanzines.
- Progress Report no. 7
- Progress Report #7 has now been sent out. read it online
- Eurocon anthology
- Creatures of Glass and Light - is an anthology with short stories from writes from all over Europe. Amongst the stories are the Hugo winner "The Djinn's Wife" by Ian McDonald
- Spotlight on Niels Dalgaard
- Is it possible to research science fiction? Yes, that is certainly the answer if your name is Niels Dalgaard, Eurocon Fan Guest of Honour. Niels has what is presumably the only ph.D. in Denmark in SF and has written a score of books on the subject, particularly about Danish SF since the 1970s. Read more here
- Spotlight on Zoran Živković
- Who said that science fiction was just about lasers and spaceships? Zoran Živković , Serbia’s own Paul Auster and Jose Luis Borges rolled into one, is continually moving beyond what SF and fantasy can be, mixing everything in new, innovative ways. The recipe is to tell mysterious, thought-provoking stories about the big themes in life, death and existence – in settings of technology, magic, surrealism and much more. Read more here
- Spotlight on Anne McCaffrey
- She wrote books about dragons long before Tolkien was dusted off and put on the big screen, and before J.K. Rowling turned fantasy into a genre all dared admit that they read. Eurocon Guest of Honour Anne McCaffrey has written both fantasy and science fiction with strong female leads for 4 decades now and is the first woman to have won the Hugo Award, the science fiction literature’s Oscar. Read more here about when you can meet McCaffrey at Eurocon.
- Spotlight on: Stephen Baxter
- He has a university degree in mathematics and engineering. He has trained to become a cosmonaut on Mir. Han collaborates on books with legendary author Arthur C. Clarke and he has already received numerous awards, including the British Science Fiction Awards. No matter if he writes about climate disaster, black holes or time travel, Eurocon Guest of Honour Stephen Baxter has rightly been known as ‘The Big Ideas Guy’ within British SF. Read more.
- Progress Report no. 6 released
- Progress Report #6 has now been sent out to those who have subscribed. You can also find it online here: Progress Report 6
- Program
Under each of the guests and GoH the parts of the program they participate in are now stated.
- Spotlight on: David A. Hardy
- David A. Hardy - Guest of Honour - Art. One of the leading illustrators in realistic astronomy and science fiction. Hardy has illustrated almost everything in his 50-year career: books, SF mags, factual mags, commercial art and even record covers. He has worked on movies like The Neverending Story and series like Blake's Seven. Read more about Hardy
- Progress Report no. 5 released
- Progress Report #5 has now been sent out to those who have subscribed. You can also find it online here: Progress Report 5
- Eurocon Guideline
- Since Eurocon 2006 in Kiev work has been done on a draft version of a document describing how to arrange a Eurocon. The document can now be downloaded at ESFS. Read more here.
- Nominations to the Eurocon Awards
Please observe that the deadline for sending in your nominations to the Eurocon Awards has now passed. According to The ESFS Statutes the nominations should be present with the chairman at the latest two months in advance of Eurocon 2007. You can still send us suggestions, but please do so as quickly as possible. Read more about the Eurocon Awards here.
- Progress Report no. 4 released
- Progress Report #4 has now been sent out to those who have subscribed. You can also find it online here: Progress Report 4
- Eurocon 2007 short story contest
- In connection with Eurocon 2007 there will be a short story contest. Winners will be announced at Eurocon 2007. Read more
- Newsletter no. 3
- Newsletter number 3 has now been sent out to those who have subscribed. You can also find it online here.
- Newsletter no. 2
- Newsletter number 2 has now been sent out to those who have subscribed. You can also find it online here
- Fan Guest of Honour
- In keeping with tradition, we are proud to present Niels Dalgaard as Fan Guest of Honour, on Eurocon 2007.
- Aeon Award on Eurocon
The winning story of Aeon Award 2006-2007 will be announced during Eurocon. Read more.
- Progress Report no. 1
- Progress Report number 1 has now been sent out. You can also find it online here.
- Christmas greetings
- David A. Hardy has sent us his Christmas greetings. You can see it her (93K jpg)
- Programme participants
If you would like to be a programme participant at EUROCON 2007, please
contact our programme coordinator Knud Larn at this email: program
- Two more Guests of Honour
We are happy that we can now present two more Guests of Honour. Stephen Baxter from the UK and Zoran Živkovic from Serbia have now both agreed to be Guests of Honour at Eurocon 2007. You can read more about them (and the other Guests of Honour) here.
Welcome to Stephen Baxter and Zoran Živkovic.
- Another Guest of Honour has accepted
Eurocon 2007 now has the second Guest of Honour in place.
Anne McCaffrey is one of the world’s most popular science fiction and fantasy writers. She is best known for her series of Dragonriders of Pern books, but she has written many other popular books like The Ship Who Sang, Acorna, Crystal Singer, Decision at Doona, Freedom’s Landing and Dinosaur Planet. Check Anne McCaffrey’s website for more information: www.annemccaffrey.net.
Welcome to Anne McCaffrey.
- The first Guest of Honour is in place
We now have the great pleasure of intruducing our first Guest of Honour, English David A. Hardy who has agreed to visit us in the year 2007 and be our Artist Guest of Honour. Read more about David A. Hardy on these pages or at his own website astroart: www.astroart.org
Welcome to David A. Hardy.